Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Vegetarian vampires??? Really? I'm about 1/3 of the way through book 4 of the Twilight series. Decent storyline. Dialogue moves. But vegetarian vampires? Instead of eating people, they eat mountain lions and grizzly bears. Perhaps Meyers missed that day in science.

I'm not a vampire fan. I would not have read this series if it weren't for the prodding of some friends. I enjoyed book 1. I feared too much teenage angst in book 2 but it wasn't as profound as inferred. Book 3 was okay. Events seem to drag a bit. But overall, a decent series. I'm not sorry that I read it.

But I don't think I'll be pursuing any other vampire series. I slept through "Interview with a Vampire" and that was back when I still liked Tom Cruise. Guess it isn't my genre.

However, vegetarian vampires do make an interesting story.

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